Online Classes - Which is better? Skillshare or Teachable

If you are an artist and you are interested in learning some of the techniques that I use to create my paintings then I do have a number of online classes available on both Skillshare and also through Teachable.

I often have people ask me what the difference between the two platforms are and whether they are the same. The answers is yes and no.

The classes and content available on Skillshare and Teachable are the same (with only one exception). Same videos, same information, same format etc. The difference is that for Skillshare you need to pay a monthly membership to get access to the classes and you need to continue that membership if you want to rewatch or revisit any of the lessons. On Teachable, you pay a one off fee for each class that you want to watch and you only have to pay once. After that you can rewatch anytime as often as you like (even months later).

Which platform you choose is totally up to you and both come with positives and negatives. Skillshare is a monthly subscription, however you also get access to all the other content that is available on the platform (including all my classes and every other class created by other teachers). So you do get a lot of content for your monthly subscription.

Teachable is good for those that don’t want to commit to a monthly subscription, or maybe you are only interested in watching one particular class. You can also watch one class on Teachable, see if you like my style of teaching or not. If you do, then it might be benifitial to eventually subscribe to skillshare and watch them there instead.

You can view my Skillshare profile here and visit my Teachable website here